Otium Analytics
Universal solution for a business to track online and history analytics on employees
activities. Stay tuned with your company!
View Demo
About Otium Analytics
Key solution features
Online tracking
Check your subordinates activities online
Analytics reports
View analytics reports, export to Excel
Assigning tasks
Assign a task directly to any subordinate
Online tracking
Track actual employees workload including the effectiveness and pauses
Check workload for any time in the past
Dynamic organization structure
Build and change company structure giving the roles
Dynamic dashboards with actual workload, can be used separately on the big screens
Track GPS coordinates of the work day or particular task
Assign tasks
Any employee can assign any task to any subordinate directly from mobile phone
Excel reports
Download tracking data to Excel files to build any custom reports
Helping Supports
Get support over e-mail or on the phone
Demo information
Our demo, as our real case, contains two main entities
Mobile application, virtual workplace for every employee
This mobile assistant helps employee organize their working day: track activities,
plan workload, check assigned tasks, check activities history
Admin console, dashboards and reporting
Web application for top management and admins: create new dashboards, view
dashboards, download reports to Excel, maintain organization struture, employees and
their possible activities
Demo Available
Check admin console DEMO on the web or check employee app demo account in mobile app
Mobile app screenshots
Clients feedback

John Smaith
The tool helped as to track the workload of the people and keep our business more profitable

Mary Balogh
The tool helped as to track the workload of the people and keep our business more profitable